Second Year Drawing by D. R. Augsburg Second Year Drawing by D. R. Augsburg    

Lesson 6: Groves of Trees (Objects, Position, and Perspective)

lesson image

In this lesson, children practice drawing groves of trees and rows of trees.

Instructors demonstrate drawing a grove of trees

  • Instructors show children image A, representing a grove of trees.
  • Instructors first draw the horizon line, then the tops of the trees above it.
  • Instructors represent the ground by horizontal lines drawn back and forth, and lastly draw the tree trunks.
  • Instructors direct children to copy their drawing of a grove of trees.

Instructors demonstrate drawing rows of trees

  • Instructors show children images B and C, representing rows of trees.
  • For B, instructors begin by drawing the foliage of the largest, closest tree. Draw the next closest tree's foliage a bit smaller, the next even smaller, and continue the pattern. Next, draw the trunks.
  • Instructors next draw C in the same manner, only the tree tops of all trees are made in one mass.
  • Instructors direct children to copy their drawings of rows of trees.

Children independently complete the following drill work:

  1. Draw a grove of trees.
  2. Draw a row of trees similar to B.
  3. Draw a row of trees similar to C.